In order to thrive, we need to find meaning and create fulfilling connections.

Counseling provides a safe space to land and a launching place for personal change and transformation.

Announcing a new Counter Diet-Culture Support Group

Access support, tools, and inspiration — in community. 

Starting March 2025

Do you want to build a greater sense of self compassion and acceptance? Discover your wants and needs and create framework that works for your life? Gain an understanding of your individual brain and body? Identify the people, places, things, and ideas that light you up and also those things that dim you? Are you seeking to heal your relationship with food and eating to rebuild connection with your body?

Your struggles may include things like communication conflicts, struggling to make choices, completing tasks, tendencies toward perfectionism, people pleasing, or a general sense of insecurity as you move through the world.


Recover relationships

I help you recover relationships to food and body, manage anxiety, live with neurodivergence, set boundaries, and develop a stronger sense of self. By connecting with yourself and your lived experience first, you find different ways to connect with the people, places, and things that feel most important in your life. It’s about finding what resonates with you.

Recover relationship to self

Engaging in personal work is always about more than ourselves. When we make the choice to recover ourselves, that work ripples out and people in our personal lives and communities often benefit.  My goal is to help you feel more connected to yourself and your body by recovering a sense of self.

What works for you?

I offer individual therapy and also group therapy opportunities via telehealth and in-person in a small group format. I very much believe the connection between client and therapist is an essential component to effective counseling, so I offer a complimentary 25-minute consultation to ensure we are a good fit for one another. You can learn more about me, my approach, services, and specialties, including food-centered therapy.  

Interested in discussing how I can help you?

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”

– Carl Jung